Call (936) 560-9000 to Schedule an Appointment

PineyWoods Pediatrics is committed to providing convenient access and quality care to keep kids healthy! We also know that coming into the office (or even calling us) isn’t always convenient. We are always looking for new ways to meet the needs of our patients and their families and Telemedicine can sometimes be an option, depending on the age of the patient and the type of visit. Please note, some insurances do not cover Telemedicine visits, so please be sure to clarify this when scheduling. Patients seeking Telemedicine services should complete a Telemedicine Consent Form prior to their visit. Please contact our office for details.

3614 N. University Drive
Nacogdoches, TX 75965
(936) 560-9000

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm
(Open during Lunch Hours)

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