Call (936) 560-9000 to Schedule an Appointment
After-Hours Care

If an emergency should arise, please call 911. Emergencies are considered to be those conditions that are life-threatening, including loss of consciousness, severe bleeding and seizure.

Click here to visit the Healthy Children Symptom Checker to learn more about common problems, interventions or medications.

If you do not find your question answered, call (936) 560-9000 and leave a detailed message, including your name, your child's name, your phone number and the reason for calling. This message will be transcribed for our on-call doctor.

You may also contact a provider through our Spruce app. Be sure to mark the call/message as urgent if you would like the message sent to our on-call doctor immediately, otherwise the message won't be received until business hours. Pre-registration is required. Click here for more information. In case of emergency, please do NOT use the app, call 911.


3614 N. University Drive
Nacogdoches, TX 75965
(936) 560-9000

Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm
(Open during Lunch Hours)

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